Little Norah's journey to recovery

Norah's story is one that many families face each year, as they navigate the challenges of sickle cell disease. Norah's journey took a unique turn.

When Norah's parents found out that a stem cell transplant offered the best chance of a cure for their little girl, they were confronted with significant hurdles. With no transplant facility available in Uganda, they embarked on a mission to secure treatment for their daughter. Additionally, finding a suitable stem cell donor was crucial. The five-year-old was lucky: Her brother, Israel, proved to be a perfect match.

Through the collaborative efforts of DKMS, Cure2Children, and the Armenian Haematology Center after Prof. R.H. Yeolyan, Norah's path to healing materialized. Months of treatment and care in Yerevan culminated in Norah's improved health, allowing her family to return to Uganda.

Now, back home in Uganda, Norah's father shares their happiness as they witness her growing up healthy.

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Portrait image of the contact person Regina Landwehr

Regina Landwehr